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Declining suicide rate in Japan

  list of 8 countries committing suicide

Guinea has the highest suicide rate in the world at 44.2 per 100,000. North Korea is in second place with 38.5 per million. South Korea (28.9), Sri Lanka (28.8) and Lithuania (28.2) are in the fourth and fifth place.

Suriname is in sixth place (27.8) and Mozambique is in seventh place (27.7). Both Nepal and Tanzania jointly rank eighth on the list of countries with the highest suicide rates, according to the report.

Burundi ranks tenth in suicide rates. Its suicide rate is 23.1.

What is the condition of Nepal?

Nepal, ranked eighth, has a suicide rate of 24.9 per 100,000 people. In other words, out of every one lakh, about 25 Nepalis have committed suicide.

According to the report of the World Health Organization, 5,572 people committed suicide in Nepal in 2012. Out of them, the number of women is 2468 and the number of men is 3104.

Suicide rates are highest among people over the age of 70. The suicide rate per lakh people in that age group is 82.2. The lowest age group of 5 to 14 years has two persons per lakh.

In Nepal, between 2000 and 2012, the standard age suicide rate decreased. The rate was 33.5 per lakh in 2000 and 24.9 per lakh in 2012.

According to the report, people aged 70 and over have the highest suicide rates. However, in some countries, the suicide rate is even higher among the youth. According to statistics, suicide is the leading cause of death among young people in the age group of 15 to 29 years.

Key Challenge: Celebrity Suicide

According to the World Health Organization, publishing and broadcasting the news of celebrity suicides in the media with priority has become a major challenge in reducing suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the news of the suicide of celebrities has become a part of glamor and it has led the public to commit suicide in order to gain publicity.

According to the report, most of the suicide victims in the world belong to marginalized groups who do not have access to preventive measures.

More people die from drinking poison

Among the tools used to commit suicide, poisoning (especially toxins used to kill insects) has been found to be most commonly used in rural communities. Similarly, hanging and shooting oneself with a weapon have become a means of suicide. The organization also estimates that the risk of suicide will decrease if the risky person's access to such media is restricted.

India is the capital of suicide

According to the World Health Organization, India is the country with the highest number of suicides in the world. In 2012, 258,075 people committed suicide in India. Out of them, the number of males is 158,098 and the number of females is 99,977.

According to the WHO, South and East Asia is the region with the highest suicide rate in the world. Thirty-nine percent of the world's suicides are committed by people in low- and middle-income countries in the region. The agriculture-based population of the region is the main source of suicide That is the consumption of poison.

Declining in Japan, but 70 a day

Japan suffers from 'high profile' suicides Suicide has become a part of Japanese culture. There is a traditional view in samurai culture that suicide is considered sacred and even important. Recently, even famous personalities in Japan have started committing suicide, which has caused a lot of panic. Japan's economy collapsed and job losses plummeted in the late 1990's. At that time, 32,000 people committed suicide every year. In 2007, 33,093 people committed suicide in Japan. Attempts to reduce suicide The Japanese government has announced a 220 million budget to reduce suicide by 20 percent over the next 10 years. It also provides advice to the general public and increases surveillance on websites that incite people to commit suicide. It has also given some positive results. In 2012, the number of suicides in Japan dropped to more than 30,000 for the first time since 1997. That year, 27,776 people committed suicide. In 2013, the number dropped further to 27,283. The rate of suicide among Japanese youth (especially between the ages of 20 and 44) ​​is high due to the pressure on the youth to choose the path of suicide to escape from the problem and the patriarchal thinking of the society. In Japan, 70 people commit suicide every day. The suicide rate is double that of the United States per million. The United States has twice the population of Japan. In Japan, the population is aging, and depression, loneliness, and a host of other serious health problems have led to an increase in suicides among older people.

Switzerland's 'suicide tourism' flourishes

A report has shown that suicide tourism is on the rise in Switzerland. The study concludes that people from different parts of the world travel to Zurich, Switzerland for the sole purpose of committing suicide because of the ambiguous law on consensual suicide. Such foreigners who commit suicide in Switzerland are called suicide tourists.

Between 2008 and 2012, 611 suicidal tourists committed suicide in Switzerland. The foreigners who committed suicide in Switzerland were from 31 different countries, most of them British and German. The report says, "Switzerland has become synonymous with suicidal suicide for the British. Six different organizations advocating for the right to die help people in Switzerland to commit suicide and thus more than 600 people commit suicide there every year with the help of such organizations, of which one and a half to two hundred are suicide tourists.

Of the 611 suicides in Switzerland over a four-year period, 58 percent were women. The tourists who committed suicide were 23 to 97 years old and their average age is 69 years. Among those who committed suicide were complex diseases such as cancer, brain disease, heart and nerve disease.

According to Dignitas, a Swiss rights group, all but four were killed using a chemical called sodium pentobarbital. In Switzerland, there is a legal provision for doctors to assist people in voluntary deaths in some cases, but in other cases there is legal ambiguity as to whether or not other people may be assisted in committing suicide or voluntary death.

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